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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a contractor can be challenging – especially when your daily routine is thrown into metamorphosis with each new contract. Feeling overwhelmed, stressed and sluggish are all common for those working in fleeting roles, especially when they are remote. 

With these easy steps, however, you can start to take back control of your mental and physical health. 


1.Set boundaries

We appreciate that being a contractor comes with high expectations, tight deadlines and big targets – but you have the power to set boundaries with your employer. Block out your calendar and make it clear when your office hours are, this way you won’t be tempted (or expected) to answer emails in the early hours or during your downtime after work. For those of you working from home, we recommend having a separate work phone and laptop so that you are physically unable to see work-related communications out of hours. In other words, out of sight; out of mind! 

It may also be worth setting boundaries with your housemates or family if you find they are distracting during the working day. Sharing your calendar is a good way around this so people can see when you’re on a coffee break and have time to chat, and when you need peace and quiet for a meeting. 

2.Take regular breaks 

In a desk-based role, it can be easy to end up sat down all day with your eyes glued to your screen. This is especially true for those working remotely as you may lose track of time or forget to take your lunch break without a regular structure in place. However, as we all know, regular exercise is integral to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and so should be implemented into your daily routine. Whether going for a brisk stroll before your first meeting every morning, or heading to the gym during your lunch hour, exercising is a fantastic tool for boosting your mood and your productivity. If you want to start small, try investing in a standing desk. Although it doesn’t sound like a big change, standing desks help you burn more calories during the day and lower your risk of obesity over time. 

Exercise aside, do make sure to take regular breaks away from your desk to stretch and make a cup of tea. Even ten minutes of doing something else will help reset your focus when you return to your computer. 

3. Stay social!

Keeping in contact with friends can work wonders for your mental health and gives you something to look forward to after a long day. Make the effort to arrange catch-ups with mates, even if it’s just a quick video call on your coffee break. Other colleagues may be struggling with feeling lonely too so it is important to check in with them – perhaps arrange a regular Thursday drink after work or a Friday virtual quiz if your company works from home. In general, human interaction is pivotal to our wellbeing as a society and we should support one another as best we can. 

We hope you found this article useful as a starting point to prioritising your mental and physical health as a contractor. 

Here at Mint Umbrella, we support all of our contractors and are always a phone call away (0203 967 6846) if you have any queries.

Mint Umbrella

We employ contractors directly by providing the services of a contractor to a recruitment agency or end client using an overarching employment contract with you the contractor.

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