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One of the best aspects of being self-employed is the freedom – especially when you can work remotely. However, not having a set office location can also be troublesome and cause a lot of problems if you fail to plan ahead. In this blog, we share three essentials for remote working so you can enjoy flexible work without getting caught short!


  1. Hard drive, hard drive, hard drive

It deserved to be said three times because it’s that important. Even the creme de la creme of laptop brands can fail us and there’s nothing more gut-wrenching than losing projects that you’ve put you’ve spent hours and hours and hours on. That’s why having a hard drive with all your main folders on is a remote-working essential. Plus, it means you can continue working from a public computer while you wait for your laptop to come back to life. No stress, no time wasted…

2. Plan B for your wifi 

Have you ever sat down for a big meeting which you’ve spent days prepping for, only for your wifi to ghost you at the last minute? Stressful, right? To save face as a respected professional (and save yourself from lobbing the BT box across the living room) it’s crucial to always have a plan B when it comes to internet access. The best solution here is to always have enough mobile data to hotspot your laptop in times of trouble. It is also wise to choose a tariff plan with the best data abroad deal – especially for the digital nomads reading this! Even the best hotels can have the worst Wi-Fi connections, so always be prepared.

3. Noise cancelling headphones

Whether you’re working from home, on the train or in a cosy coffee shop, it can be easy to get distracted by the cacophony of life around you. To ensure you stay focused on your work, it might be worth investing in a pair of quality headphones (ideally noise cancelling). For those of you who can’t concentrate while listening to music, it’s still worthwhile as most headphones have the option to cancel out background noise. Alternatively, you could play white noise or waves – whatever works for you and helps get you in the productivity zone!

We hope you found this article of use – enjoy those adventures as a free-flying contractor! If you’re looking for an umbrella to deal with your payroll then get in touch with our team today on 0203 967 6846.

Mint Umbrella

We employ contractors directly by providing the services of a contractor to a recruitment agency or end client using an overarching employment contract with you the contractor.

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