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Venturing into the world of contracting can be liberating, especially when you’ve never worked for yourself before. However, there are a few things you should bear in mind and avoid if you wish to have a smooth sailing career. In this article, we share 5 mistakes all contractors make. 

  1. Using the same CV for every application

For each project you apply for, you should edit your CV so that it best matches the job description. Put your most relevant experience at the top so that the hiring manager can clearly see that you have the necessary skills and will make a good fit. Keep to the point and demonstrate your passion for the area you’re applying for.

  1. Poor time management

As a successful contractor, having strong time management skills is paramount. Remember, you have been hired for your expertise to get a project from A to B so wasting time will inevitably frustrate your end client, as they are spending money to get it done quickly and effectively. To mitigate the risk of missing deadlines and delaying project completion, we recommend setting expectations ahead of time so the client knows what to expect. 

  1. Not using LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a very useful tool for networking and connecting with like minded individuals and other contractors. Not only is having a large network on LinkedIn advantageous for finding new projects, but also for exchanging top tips and keeping up-to-date with industry news. 

  1. Dismissing self-care

As someone who is constantly jumping between temporary roles, it can feel like you don’t have time to switch-off. However, creating time for yourself is imperative for your wellbeing and will reduce the likelihood of burnout. Take at least an hour after work each day to do something you enjoy – whether that’s watching Love Island, going for a swim or calling a friend. 

  1. Choosing the wrong umbrella company 

For those inside IR35, working with an umbrella company will make your life easier as all of your tax deductions and national insurance contributions will get taken care of automatically. 

Plus, when you when work through an umbrella company, you become one of its employees meaning you can enjoy the associated benefits such as pension schemes and continuity of employment status 

However, it is important to do your research before choosing an umbrella company as unfortunately, there are a few bad eggs out there that could get you in a lot of trouble with HMRC. 

Find out more about working with umbrella companies for the first time here


If you’re new to contracting and looking for a complaint umbrella to help get you on your feet, get in touch with us via email [email protected] or give us a call on 02039676846.

Mint Umbrella

We employ contractors directly by providing the services of a contractor to a recruitment agency or end client using an overarching employment contract with you the contractor.

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