HM Revenue Customs (HMRC) uses a ‘self-assessment’ system to collect income tax which is not…
This week, we’re celebrating World Wellbeing Week! To mark the occasion, we thought we’d share our three top tips for looking after your mental health as a contractor…
1.Stop with the ‘sink or swim’ mentality
Find yourself working late more often than not? Is drowning in work the norm? Feel like you can’t say no to your supervisor? As a contractor, it can be hard to ask for support – especially when you’re new to a project and trying to make a good impression. However, even the best swimmers can drown without the right preparation and support. Make sure to chat with your manager as soon as you start to feel overwhelmed so you can stay afloat comfortably. Ok, ok…we’ll stop with the swimming analogies now.
For example, you might wish to discuss:
- Reducing your hours
- Minimise meetings
- Any other concerns/issues you may have
Remember, it is always best to voice your concerns – your supervisor will want to help you and make sure you’re happy!
2. Find balance
While flexibility is a primary perk of working as a contractor, sometimes the uncertainty of where you’ll find your next gig can be a cause for stress. Not only this, but you still have to give your current contract your all while also keeping an eye out for new opportunities – especially if you have major financial responsibilities such as a mortgage or kids.
To mitigate this stress, we recommend:
- Being transparent with your employer e.g. asking for updates on your contract/opportunities to extend etc.
- Working with a specialist recruitment agency who can keep an eye on roles that suit your requirements.
- Put some money aside for a rainy day – having a saving goal is a really sensible idea and will help give you peace of mind if you find yourself between contracts
3. Give yourself some TLC
Don’t forget to give yourself some time off now and again. This is super important not only for your mental health but also for your productivity levels. Book a flight, go and see your friend or have a day at the beach – whatever it is, make sure you’re taking off enough time to feel rejuvenated because burnout is a bummer!
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