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So, you’ve decided to take the leap and become a contractor. Congratulations! Welcome to the world of exciting projects, flexibility and new opportunities. However, finding and securing your first gig as a contractor can be a daunting task. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the steps to help you land that crucial first contract.

Network, network, network…

Networking is a powerful tool for finding contract opportunities. Attend industry events, join online forums and social media groups related to your niche, and connect with professionals in your field. Building relationships can lead to referrals, collaborations, and, ultimately, job offers.

Utilise online job platforms

Numerous online job platforms cater specifically to freelancers and contractors. Create a compelling profile, showcase your skills, and actively apply for relevant gigs.

Work with a recruitment agency 

Recrutiment agencies are an invaluable tool when it comes to lining up new job opportunities, especially as a busy contractor. Reach out to a recruiter that specilaises in your sector/line of work and let them do the heavy lifting! 

Leverage your existing contacts

Don’t underestimate the power of your existing network. Let friends, family, and former colleagues know that you’re available for contract work. You never know who might have a project or referral for you. Personal connections can be a valuable source of leads.

Build a strong online presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is a non-negotiable. Maintain an active and professional presence on LinkedIn and other relevant social media platforms. Share valuable content, engage with your network, and position yourself as an industry thought leader.

Craft a compelling CV

Rather than using the same CV for every role, try and tailor it to match the specific roles you are applying for, highlighting relevant work experience and qualifications to enhance your application. 

Once you land your first contract, you’ll need an umbrella company to manage your pay. Get in touch with our team to find out more about the benefits of working with us and how to get started!

Mint Umbrella

We employ contractors directly by providing the services of a contractor to a recruitment agency or end client using an overarching employment contract with you the contractor.

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