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The Christmas trees are down and it’s time to go back to work – but how can we get back into the swing of work after so much downtime? In this blog, we share some suggestions to help you ease back into your routine. 


Start your day with something positive 


Whether you’re into journaling, mindfulness or running; doing something that calms your mind in the morning can set you up for a day of focus and positivity. 


Organisation is key 


Start the year as you mean to go on – with a clean desk, a new diary and a to-do list for the week ahead. Get rid of any old meeting notes or documents (online and offline) so you can start the new year decluttered and clear-headed. 


Allocate a quiet working space 


If you haven’t done so already, make sure you have an allocated space in the house to work from that is free from distractions. Try to avoid working in your bed as your brain will start associating it with work/feelings of stress when you go to sleep. Plus, it’s easier to focus (and switch off after logging off) if you have a room/space in the kitchen dedicated to work. 


Eat well


Christmas and New Year’s Eve are occasions for overindulgence but try not to get into the habit of eating mountains of processed food over the rest of the year. Get back into the routine of meal prepping and ensure your diet is rich in nutrients. You could even get involved with Veganury if you fancy a challenge!


Keep in touch with your colleagues 


If you work remotely make sure to keep in touch with colleagues on Slack (or whatever system you use to communicate). This will make your day feel a little less lonely and means you can ask for support if needs be. 


Plan a holiday 


Having a holiday to look forward to is the perfect carrot on the stick to get you through the first month of the year. Whether you book a little staycation or an all-inclusive for the Summer, it’s always motivational to work hard when you have a holiday in the calendar! 


Here at Mint, we’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year – we hope it’s full of success and new opportunities! In need of a new umbrella provider? Give us a call on 0203 967 6846 today.

Mint Umbrella

We employ contractors directly by providing the services of a contractor to a recruitment agency or end client using an overarching employment contract with you the contractor.

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